Cool Kids

Summer program for Kids


“Cool Kids” program was developed at Macquarie University (Australia) in 1993 based on their research about children’s anxiety and effective treatment. It is a structured, skills-based program that teaches children and their parents how to better manage the child’s anxiety. The journey of this 8-week program involves both children and their parents’ proactive participation, with fun, interactive activities and practical skills.

This program has effectively helped children to move from shyness and worrying to gaining confidence and achieving better results academically, increasing number of friends and enjoying themselves in extra-curricular activities. A parent of 9 year old child, after finishing this program, has remarkably stated: “Anyone can be helped by learning to control his or her anxiety. “Cool Kids” helped stop anxiety interfering with my child’s life and as a family, we are all benefiting.”

The main “Cool Kids” program is designed to target children aged 7 to 17 years. There are slightly different versions for younger (up to around 12 years) and older (13-17 years) children.

Join COOL KIDS at Crosspoint

Crosspoint presents “Cool Kids” program for both age groups of 7 – 12 and 13-17 year olds. The sessions will be instructed by Rhianon Walls, a certified facilitator for Life Keys Australia and Group leader with Interrelate New South Wales. Rhianon is also a professional counselor with over 18 years of experience. Currently, this program will be run in English with the support of a co-facilitator/translator – Trang Vu – counselor at Crosspoint.

Topics covered in the program include:

  • Learning about feelings and anxiety
  • Detective thinking, and learning to think more realistically
  • Ways that parents can help
  • Fighting fear by facing fear
  • Learning to solve a problem
  • Building assertiveness and dealing with teasing

Flyer for EACH program are attached. For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone (04)3 758 6819 or email to

If you would like to be contacted when we start the next “Cool Kids” for your child, please click HERE.



Crosspoint Cool Kids from Russell on Vimeo.